High potentials
Executive leaders
General Managers
Site Directors
Communications Directors
Heads of HR
Labour Relations Directors
Train exposed personnel to the following situations :
• Destabilization
• Negotiation
• Media crisis
• Discussions with unions and labour relations
When your counterpart to a conversation is not open to listening to your point of view and taking a debate stance, traditional public speaking techniques are not enough. To rise above simple demonstration and enter the realm of conviction, we have built a specific program we call “Debate Training”.
The format can vary from half a day to several days of practice and scenario testing. We will be revealing to you the 14 types of attacks you can be confronted with during hostile communication situations as well as the countermeasures to take back the floor from your opponent and score points. These techniques perfectly mastered by journalists, buyers and union representatives represent a guaranty to avoid suffering through verbal combat or fall into a trap.
• Discuss the possible difficulties when using conventional communication in conflictual situations
• Get acquainted with the notion of “logical differences” and how to overcome them
• Attack or defense, which strategy to pick depending on the situation: active or counteractive stances
• Discover the roles theory (chosen or suffered: how to create a positive outcome)
• Breaking the rhythm of a meeting by mastering visual and audible countermeasures (how to use them in attack and ignore them in defense)
1 / Gathering needs and scope of mission
2 / Theoretical session: attacks and countermeasures
3 / Practical session with filmed exercises and analysis
• Media Training : Depending on the case, we can reinforce our expert team with journalists capable of bringing a particular focus to interview and editing traps
• Unions – extreme risks : In partnership with negotiation trainers from the French elite police force, we can offer strategies to ease tension enabling your teams to lower the pressure during certain extreme situations, especially preventing events from getting out of control (assaults, sequestrations, etc.).
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