Heads of HR
Heads of Training / Learning & Development / Organizational Development
Heads of HR Development
SME/Mid-chip executives
New HR manager appointment
Need for innovation in an HR department
Arrival of a new executive director or company president challenging the HR system in place
Designing a brand-new HR strategy
When taking a breath or during teambuilding moments for HR services and others
HR teams from large companies, multinational enterprises and fast-growing mid-chip companies know that they have developed a wide-range of training seminars, team-building exercises and guidance measures. These teams also know that in this area, new trends and services change very quickly, making it very difficult to anticipate rising, value creating best practices.
To face this reality, we offer HR services three inspirational moments per year of subscription, which will enable an audit of the current HR strategy, an international benchmark of best practices as well as our recommendations. At the client’s discretion, we will provide a set of 3 services to guide them through this transition.
• Examine in detail the current talents management strategy
• Open up to best practices in France and internationally
• Ease innovation
• Profit from our network of contacts worldwide
1 / Acquire an understanding of the client’s current state of affairs
2 / Start with a half-day of inspiration: benchmarks, first recommendations, etc.
3 / Following this inspirational moment, submit at the client’s request, a proposed guidance
Envisage other complementary services such as :
• Executive Communication
• Crisis Communication
• Debate Training
• Dynamic English
• Etc.
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