Young high potential
High-level managers
Deputies to members of the executive committee
Company reorganization
Mergers & acquisitions
Selling part of the company
Succession planning with benchmark strengthening
Talents review consists in determining the pool of talents available selected by practice, geography, etc. This key demographic is then evaluated by a number of Nelta Consultants according to criteria pre-determined alongside the company and according to market specificity (lines of business, etc.). Once these talents have been evaluated, Nelta will offer an organizational map based on the results in order to plan the development of these talents.
During this talents review, it is possible to identify a lack of key competencies and strengths, which is a first step towards longer and more specific guidance dependent to each participants’ positioning in the program.
• Make the selection process more objective
• Build common references when it comes to selecting and evaluating talents
• Report on the general organizational spirit, the existence of weak signals, design the future organization, etc.
• In a nutshell, it is about guiding the company leaders during their strategic management of key employees
1 / Debriefing
2 / Drafting a detailed engagement letter
3 / Defining (or not) the evaluation criteria, the expected methodologies and reporting methods
4 / Kick-off meeting with the Company leadership/Heads of HR/Nelta/talents
5 / Meeting with all the talents
6 / Delivery of individual reports
7 / Presenting a general summary to the executive committee
• From version one to version two (other people to evaluate in the client’s organization)
• More extensive psychometric tests for some talents
• A multilingual evaluation with translated documents
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